WeChat Weekly Update (微信一週): Tasting in Bordeaux


JamesSuckling.com sees China as one of the most important wine markets in the world, and that is why we work exclusively with China’s state-owned wine merchant COFCO to publish wine scores and valuable tasting notes in Chinese. Stay in the loop by reading this weekly wrap-up, which is essentially a quick summary of what was published on COFCO x JS Channel. “微信一周” 旨在总结过去一週在JSx名庄荟发放的信息,作为JamesSuckling.com 在国内的主要平台,让我们回顾过去一週的信息. 

Tasting Trip to Bordeaux  | 波尔多品鉴之旅


Quite possibly the world’s most famous wine region, Bordeaux boasts a remarkable wine reputation while preserving its values and natural heritage. After spending two weeks at this port city, James and his team tasted more than 1,100 wines from the 2015 vintage. We can’t wait to share all of James wine scores and tasting notes with you through our Chinese platform.

Video recap: Bordeaux 2015  | 2015年波尔多



While James and his team of editors are working on this year’s report, we can take a look at what was published last year. The 2015 vintage is an extremely exciting one for Bordeaux. Want to know why? Check out the video recap here. We’ve also interviewed various producers to find out their thoughts on the 2015 vintage.

Producer Spotlight: Petrolo  | 百大葡萄酒榜单的第二名


艺术家 Luca Sanjust 为了家族位的酒庄(弗洛伦萨东南方向约50公里的托斯卡纳),放弃了他在罗马的工作室。凭着努力和热情,加拉托纳梅洛干红2015得到了99 分的评分同时亦是2017百大葡萄酒榜单的第二位

Artist Luca Sanjust gave up his studio in Rome in the mid-1990s, in favor of a winery in the hills of Tuscany, which is 50 kilometers southeast of Florence. With pure passion and years of hard work, this artist-turned-winemaker’s beautiful Galatrona 2015 scored 99 points, earning an impressive second place on our list of Top 100 Wines of 2017.


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