WeChat Weekly Update (微信一週): Tasting in Chile | Top 10 Chilean Wine


JamesSuckling.com sees China as one of the most important wine markets in the world, and that is why we work exclusively with China’s state-owned wine merchant COFCO to publish wine scores and valuable tasting notes in Chinese. Stay in the loop by reading this weekly wrap-up, which is essentially a quick summary of what was published on COFCO x JS Channel. “微信一周” 旨在总结过去一週在JSx名庄荟发放的信息,作为JamesSuckling.com 在国内的主要平台,让我们回顾过去一週的信息. 

Tasting in Chile  | 智利品鉴之旅



As soon as the tasting trip in Napa ended, James and his team headed to Chile. They all rolled up their sleeves and started tasting immediately. After two weeks, they’ve already tasted more than 1,000 different wines.  As you may recall, our Wine of the Year in 2017 was Almaviva 2015. And we’re super thrilled to let you know that we will be pouring this excellent sip at the Great Wines of Andes in Shanghai this June! For all the highlights of our Chile tasting trip, click here. 

Top 10 Chilean Wines of 2017  | 2017十大智利葡萄酒


南美洲葡萄酒 (尤其是智利)已经達到了一個能够與世界上其他顶级葡萄酒抗衡的階段,而詹姆斯和他的团队一直对智利的葡萄酒充满信心。以下是我们2017年的十大智利葡萄酒。

James and his team are always eager to taste Chilean wines. And it’s hard not to acknowledge that Chilean wine has come into its own. Now that they are among the most popular of all the world, you must tune in to our top 10 Chilean wines of 2017.


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