WeChat Weekly Update (微信一週): Tasting in Chile | Bordeaux En Primeur 2017


JamesSuckling.com sees China as one of the most important wine markets in the world, and that is why we work exclusively with China’s state-owned wine merchant COFCO to publish wine scores and valuable tasting notes in Chinese. Stay in the loop by reading this weekly wrap-up, which is essentially a quick summary of what was published on COFCO x JS Channel. “微信一周” 旨在总结过去一週在JSx名庄荟发放的信息,作为JamesSuckling.com 在国内的主要平台,让我们回顾过去一週的信息. 

Tasting in Chile | 智利品鉴之旅



After tasting almost 1,000 wines in February, James and his team found that leading producers of Chile are still currently in the process of finding out what their maximum quality is and where that ceiling is. From large, well-known producers to tiny garage winemakers, the quality possibilities in winemaker for Chile seems endless. Click here for our full report.


Bordeaux En Primeur 2017 | 波尔多期酒2017



The quality of 2017 is much better than most people might expect, it’s not in the same league as the outstanding 2016 and 2015 vintages, nor is it the largely disappointing 2013. Over a two-week long tasting session in Bordeaux, James and Jack have rated many wines 90 points or more. Please read on for the full report.


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