My Article: Thoughts on Gary Vaynerchuk's Wine Video Retirement

I read with interest yesterday’s announcement of Gary Vaynerchuk’s retirement from wine videos. I am not sure for his reasons, but I wish him the best in the future. His enthusiasm and energy in the world of wine was unparalleled – and we all saw it on camera!

It was his innovation and foresight into the genre of wine videos that were an inspiration to me. It was one of the reasons that I resigned from The Wine Spectator. We obviously have different styles on camera, but Gary’s success made me believe in wine videos as an important modern method to communicate about wine. He showed that communicating about wine could be more than just words. His thousands of views, as well as mine, prove this.

I still believe in the wine video. It’s an important part of my work now as a wine critic, although rating wine is just as important, if not more.  The wine video is a fabulous way to communicate about wines, where wine lovers can learn through seeing for themselves and listening to the words of the actual wine producer, as well as the host. I will continue my work.

I also think that it won’t be long before we see Gary behind a camera. Perhaps this time it will be television? I haven’t spoken to him in a long time, but his on-camera presence is just too captivating to go away. Check out the video I did with him earlier this year.