My Article: Rainy Days in Tuscany

I spent my lunch looking out at the gray and rainy weather and trying to remember what the hot summer was like in Tuscany. I can’t believe that I was complaining a week or two ago about how hot it was. I prefer the heat to the cold and wet weather any day!

What sort of harvest could Tuscany have in 2011 if this intermittent rain and cold weather continues? Until a week or two ago, the grapes were about 10 days ahead of the norm. Now? Doesn’t look good.

It all reminds me of 2002, a wet year that made some successful wines in Tuscany. Southern Italy was much better, particularly Sicily and Sardinia. But the wines were definitely affected by the wet weather in 2002. Wine producers had to work hard in their vineyards to pick ripe grapes. And then they had to select their best vats of wine to bottle.

So I am not worrying about the 2011 harvest – yet. It was worse in 2002, and regardless, many of the wines were still delicious. I recently drank a 2002 Petrolo Galatrona and 2002 Le Pupille Morellino di Scansano Poggio Valente. Both were elegant, fresh and delicately fruity.