My Article: Another 2001, and Cabernet Franc

(BORDEAUX, DEC. 15, 2010): I have been tasting mostly Right Bank wines over the last three days, both in blind tastings in my hotel and in the cellars of various wine estates. I love the perfumes and the mouth feels of the wines, particularly those with Cabernet Franc in their blends.

Winemakers told me the late harvest in 2008 really helped the Cabernet Franc ripen to an outstanding level, and the tangy dark fruits and floral aromas and flavors in the top Right Bank 2008s highlight their comments. It’s a Cabernet Franc year.

Some of my favorite wines, so far, have been Ausone, Cheval Blanc, Trotanoy, and Lafleur. And I also very much enjoyed the Vieux Château Certan. Winemaker Alexandre Thienpont of VCC and Le Pin called the texture of the 2008s “like cashmere.”

“It is a good balanced year… this 2008 is on its own is ready to drink very soon,” he added. Check out his video on the site.

I really believe that 2008 can be compared to 2001 for the Right Bank. Everyone always thinks about 2000 as a fabulous Right Bank year, but many excellent 2001 Right Bankers are out there and they sell for a fraction of the price of the 2000s. This very much may be the case for many Right Bank wines in 2008.


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2 thoughts on “My Article: Another 2001, and Cabernet Franc

  1. petrolo says:
    Very good to know,James. I cannot wait to taste ( and above all to drink ) VCC 2008 , thinking that I have really loved ( and I love...) VCC 2001 , has been an incredibly good wine from the beginning , and of course it continues to be a super-excelent wine to drink... Your comments not only helps people to understand better the wines you're talking about and to know in advance aspects of new vintages , but they really make you feel to want to drink them now ! Immediately...
    well done !
  2. plzachar says:
    Good blog. Informative. Little bit shorter than I'd like, but still enjoy the discussion. Cabernet Franc is my favorite grape varietal, so more discussion about cab franc, please!