Mike D's Article: Etienne Sauzet Puligny-Montrachet Les Folatieres 2002

You spring chicken you. Is this 2007? No, it’s 2002; you gots to be kidding me. Still plenty of acid, super sprightly, still quite tight even, and a lot going on. Lemon zest, amber grass the color of straw, balanced with a subtle buttery creaminess. I know I am getting redundant with my ’02 white Burg reviews, but A: it’s one of my kids’ birth years, B: they are for the most part just drinking great right now, and C: I just went back to a Euro Cav that had some, and they are like children I haven’t seen in a while. I miss them. Much enjoyed, and perhaps even better when I sampled it on day two. Wow! 92 points. Find the wine.

Michael Diamond is a member of the hip hop group the Beastie Boys.


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