WeChat Weekly Update (微信一週): Great Wines of Italy Asia 2017


JamesSuckling.com sees China as one of the most important wine markets in the world, and that is why we work exclusively with China’s state-owned wine merchant COFCO to publish video content, wine scores and valuable tasting notes in Chinese. Stay in the loop by reading this weekly wrap-up, which is essentially a quick summary of what was published on COFCO x JS Channel. “微信一周” 旨在总结过去一週在JSx名庄荟发放的信息,作为JamesSuckling.com 在国内的主要平台,让我们回顾过去一週的信息. 

Recap: Great Wines of Italy Asia 2017

意大利美酒巡礼 2017 (亚洲站)



Both Great Wines of Italy Asia 2017 and Great Wines of the World Asia 2017 were a great success! The events attracted numerous participants in Beijing, from wine merchants to wine enthusiasts. Please click here to see the video recap and event highlights. If you missed the two events, fear not. We are organizing a number of events in China in 2018. Stay tuned!


What are you serving during the holidays?




Christmas is a season of giving and sharing with family and friends. And this certainly applies to all of us at JamesSuckling.com. Click here to see what we’re drinking this holiday season!


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