JamesSuckling.com believes in China as the most important future wine market in the world, and so that is why we work exclusively with China’s state-owned wine merchant COFCO to bring the best ratings, videos and information on fine wine in Chinese. This weekly series is all about recapping content distributed on the COFCO X JS channel. 微信一周” 旨在总结过去一週在JSx名庄荟发放的信息,作为JamesSuckling.com 在国内的主要平台,让我们回顾过去一週的信息.
Solaia vertical tasting: 索拉雅垂直品鉴
It was fascinating to taste six vintages of Antinori’s Solaia (2003, 2006, 2009, 2011, 2012 and 2013). The internationally acclaimed Solaia is a good barometer of the character of specific vintages in Tuscany. The granddaddy of Super Tuscans is always one of the region’s best wines, so stay tuned for my upcoming tasting report on 2014.
索拉雅葡萄酒六个年份的垂直品鉴着实让我惊艳 (2003、2006、2009、2011、2012和2013年)。这款超级托斯卡纳的开山鼻祖绝对是托斯卡纳葡萄酒的晴雨表(指标),它每年都是产区最杰出的代表葡萄酒之一。我还没有品尝过2014年份,希望可以在未来的2-3个月有机会品尝,敬请留意。
Bordeaux 2014: JS 视频| 揭秘波尔多2014年份的品质秘密
Although weather conditions were not perfect, the Bordelais looked forward to the results of the 2014 vintage. Find out more with our vintage recap video.
波尔多2014年份葡萄酒的品质令许多人欣喜甚至是惊讶。尽管2014年对于波尔多来说不是另外一个“世纪年份”,但是这一年“正好是波尔多所需的年份”。 那么到底波尔多的2014年份在酒圈反响又如何呢?那就跟随我们一同走进视频中的葡萄酒世界吧!
Clos Apalta: 名庄聚光灯 | “佳美娜之王”蓝宝堂Clos Apalta
I’ve been a big fan of Clos Apalta since the winery started in 1997. At times, the red seemed a little overdone, but now it seems that the wine is on a path towards balance, finesse and complexity. Clos Apalta 2014 scored the perfect 100 points and is a wonderful example of the subtlety and depth that carmenere can deliver.
自1997年蓝宝堂Clos Apalta酒庄建立以来,我便一直是它的粉丝。有些时候它的红葡萄酒似乎有些过度酿造,但它已逐渐步入一个展现平衡、灵巧和复杂的层次感的风格, 2014 年的蓝宝堂Clos Apalta得到了满分100分,详情请按这里.