5 things to look forward to in Great Wines of the World 2021 Masterclasses & Tastings

The Great Wines of the World Masterclasses take place in James Suckling Wine Central.

There’s a week to go till the Great Wines of the World 2021 Masterclasses & Tastings kick off, so to whet your appetites for what is Asia’s top wine showcase, here are a few highlights to look out for over the coming weeks.

1. 12 deep-dive masterclasses

James Suckling will personally host a dozen specially themed one-hour masterclasses on a range of topics, from retasting some great 2010 Bordeaux wines, to a look at four of Chile’s perfect 100-point wines, to a vertical of Napa Valley’s iconic Bryant Family Vineyard. The latter even features a live ‘Zoom-in’ with the owner. James will provide personal observations and insights from his 40-year career. 

2. 15 perfect 100-point wines to taste

The masterclass and tasting sessions feature only wines rated 90 points and up as rated on JamesSuckling.com, and some go far beyond, ranking among the best wines we’ve ever tasted. From the Casanova di Neri Brunello di Montalcino Cerretalto 2015, to the Château Pontet-Canet Pauillac 2010, to the Seña Valle de Aconcagua 2018, the quality available at these tastings is outstanding. There are 15 perfect 100-point wines being poured, and around 100 rated 95 points or up.

3. 100+ video tasting notes direct from winemakers and owners

As part of this new format, where travel by winemakers to attend events themselves is challenging if not impossible, we developed a novel way to allow attendees to hear from the wineries direct: through short personal videos sent by the winemakers and owners. These will be available on JamesSuckling.com and also via our social media channels, reaching hundreds of thousands of wine-loving people around the world.

4. Videos, guidebook and social posts provide global access

Even if you cannot attend the masterclasses and tastings yourself, we are giving all wine lovers and trade access to the insights and knowledge we love to share, via special masterclass videos, live social streams, video posts and a dedicated guidebook that not only contains the profile of each attending winery, but also contains the wine tasting notes and scores.

5. Up to 1,000 people expected to attend

Over 16 days from March 23 to April 17 we expect around 50 people a day to attend our masterclasses, all key trade and keen wine lovers and collectors. The tasting is held at James Suckling Wine Central in Soho, Hong Kong, with sessions between the dates of March 23 and April 17. And this will happen four times over the course of the year! Great Wines of the World 2021 is split into four editions: Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. It’s the most intensive series of masterclasses in the world at the moment. James will be at each one so it is not a ‘virtual’ experience like his course on Masterclass.com – it’s the real deal.

All of this coming soon!

For more details on the Great Wines of the World 2021: Spring Edition, click here.

Dates: March 23-April 17.

Video of the 2020 edition of the Great Wines of the World Masterclasses.


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