Great Value Wines

The best value wines from around the world! We search out, taste and rate wines that offer superb value for money. These articles list out wines that are excellent quality, often scoring 94 points and above, and cost a fraction of many of their better known counterparts. 

Great Value Wines

Drink now: 8 great value Napa reds under $50

Drink now: 8 great value Napa reds under $50

It's not impossible to find high quality at low prices from Napa Valley. Here are 8 bottles that straddle drinkability, quality and value.
Great Value Wines: 11 Pinot Grigios under $30

Great Value Wines: 11 Pinot Grigios under $30

In places like Friuli and Alto Adige, pinot grigio produces elegant, mineral, and nuanced wines that belie its reputation. Here are 11 bottles that offer great value.
$15 wines that taste like $50: 5 Great Value Napa Valley Chardonnays

$15 wines that taste like $50: 5 Great Value Napa Valley Chardonnays

Finding great value bottles in Napa Valley is easier than you might think, especially when it comes to chardonnay.
$15 wines that taste like $50: Sangiovese

$15 wines that taste like $50: Sangiovese

We love Brunello and Chianti Classico wines, but you can find outstanding sangioveses elsewhere too, for a fraction of those prices. Here are 10 great value sangiovese bottles.
Great Value Wines: 5 cabernet blends from Hawke’s Bay under $30

Great Value Wines: 5 cabernet blends from Hawke’s Bay under $30

New Zealand may not be your first choice for cabernet, but these 5 wines from Hawke's Bay show how the country's quality-first mindset can work wonders, and at great prices too.
Great Value Wines: 7 Bordeaux Blancs under $25

Great Value Wines: 7 Bordeaux Blancs under $25

Bordeaux blanc can be overlooked - but it can offer a chance to get hold of big name producers for a fraction of their usual price.
Top 100 Value Wines of 2020 (less than $35 per bottle)

Top 100 Value Wines of 2020 (less than $35 per bottle)

If the events of the past year forced you to tighten you wallet, this list is for you. The best value-for-money wines we discovered in 2020, all retailing for less than or around US$35.
Great Value Wines: 6 innovative Chilean reds under $35

Great Value Wines: 6 innovative Chilean reds under $35

These reports always highlight great value wines, but this time we picked wines from different varieties that highlight Chile’s new wave of winemaking and wine appreciation.
Brightness, Freshness Highlight Portugal’s Whites (11 wines for less than US$40)

Brightness, Freshness Highlight Portugal’s Whites (11 wines for less than US$40)

With hundreds of indigenous grape varietals Portugal has many complex and unique wines. Many are excellent value too.