Great Value Wines

The best value wines from around the world! We search out, taste and rate wines that offer superb value for money. These articles list out wines that are excellent quality, often scoring 94 points and above, and cost a fraction of many of their better known counterparts. 

Great Value Wines

Great Value Wines: 8 Gracianos for Under $40

Great Value Wines: 8 Gracianos for Under $40

Not all Spanish winemakers dismissively refer to graciano as "no, gracias," with more and more producers recognizing the grape's unique appeal and making spicy, peppery, fresh and affordable offerings.
Great Value Wines: 8 Chilean Cinsaults and Pais for Under $30

Great Value Wines: 8 Chilean Cinsaults and Pais for Under $30

There are probably no better grapes than cinsault and pais to best illustrate the essence of drinkability in Chilean wines, and they also both have the remarkable ability to express their unique terroirs.
Great Value Wines: 10 Highly Drinkable Spanish Reds for Under $35

Great Value Wines: 10 Highly Drinkable Spanish Reds for Under $35

Spain faces a conundrum: the stylistic shift toward strikingly fresh and drinkable wines has pushed many of them into the premium price category as demand surges. Despite the changing market, however, great-value wines can still be found.
Great Value Wines: 8 Cava for Under $30

Great Value Wines: 8 Cava for Under $30

A premiumization drive has helped elevate the status of Cava wines, yet they remain a value proposition, with most in the $15 to $30 range.
Great Value Wines: 10 Argentine Malbecs for Under $25

Great Value Wines: 10 Argentine Malbecs for Under $25

We have lately been preaching the gospel of fresh and expressive Argentine reds in our reportage, but a handful of malbecs from the 2021 vintage especially stand out for their great value and quality.
Great Value Wines: 7 Chianti Classico Riserva for Under $25

Great Value Wines: 7 Chianti Classico Riserva for Under $25

Although Gran Selezione wines represent the pinnacle of what Chianti Classico has to offer, Riservas are the way to go if you're in search of a fresh, pure and often mouth-watering offering at a great price.
Great Value Wines: 7 Chenin Blanc for Under $30

Great Value Wines: 7 Chenin Blanc for Under $30

Chenin blanc has found a foothold in the world outside of its classic home in the Loire region in France, but wherever it is produced it can offer exceptional value for wine lovers.
Top 100 Value Wines of 2022 ($40 or Less!)

Top 100 Value Wines of 2022 ($40 or Less!)

2022 was another challenging year, especially when it came to finding value wine offerings when prices were going up fast everywhere. But we found more than a few great-quality bottles that fit comfortably within any budget.
Great Value Wines: 6 Chilean Carmenere for Under $20

Great Value Wines: 6 Chilean Carmenere for Under $20

Chile seems like an endless source of affordable, high-quality wines, especially for international varietals like cabernet sauvignon and sauvignon blanc, but many people associate Chile with the unique red called carmenere.