Last week on WeChat (微信一週): Super Tuscan and Great Wines of the World 2017

JSxCOFCO believes in China as the most important future wine market in the world, and so that is why we work exclusively with China’s state-owned wine merchant COFCO to bring the best ratings, videos and information on fine wine in Chinese. This weekly series is all about recapping content distributed on the COFCO X JS channel. 微信一周” 旨在总结过去一週在JSx名庄荟发放的信息,作为 在国内的主要平台,让我们回顾过去一週的信息. 


In this week’s feature we continue to shine the spotlight on participating wineries of our upcoming event Great Wines of the World Asia 2017: coming to Hong Kong and Beijing (for the first time!) this November. Early Bird tickets are now available. 


Great Wines of the World 2017: Super Tuscan



优秀的意大利酒生产者一直坚持酿造世界级的伟大葡萄酒, 而意大利葡萄酒不仅可以提供非常独特的有灵感的品鉴体验,同时每款酒也是所在价位段的高性价比酒款,让我们看一下一些将来到2017年JS世界美酒巡展北京站的超级托斯卡纳

Italian producers have done a great job in producing wines of great value and quality, let’s take a look at those super tuscan producers who will be pouring at our upcoming Great Wines of the World Asia 2017.

A visit to Shanghai: Tmall event for wine day



JS 上周到访中国!第一站就是去上海参加天猫99酒水节的发布会。除此之外,上周JS还喝了不少好酒!

James has attended the official launch event of Tmall wine day in Shanghai, let’s explore what is trending in China through the highlights of the event. 







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