U.S. wine industry must speak out (again) against proposed tariffs

James in happier times with Tristen Beamon of Wine Exchange in the U.S. Many merchants just like Beamon would be devastated by an increase in tariffs.

I want to reach out today to all our readers and friends around the world of wine.

Most important, this is a chance to say I hope you’re well, and managing the multiple and extraordinary challenges that confront us all in our personal and professional lives. There is surely not one of us who hasn’t been affected by the pandemic and associated disruption. But I remain positive and hopeful that our community’s amazing and time-tested resilience and passion will see us through to better times.

At the same time, I want to make a very personal appeal to all of you in the U.S. who are part of this community.

As you know, last year the U.S. administration levied 25 percent tariffs on most wine from France, Germany, Spain and the UK, among others, in retaliation authorized by the World Trade Organization (WTO) for European subsidies for Airbus. Early this year, in part because of a wave of public comment and engagement by you, the American wine world, the U.S. decided to defer until August this year a decision on a proposal to levy up to 100 percent tariffs on nearly all European wines.

The existing 25 percent tariffs have hurt countless American businesses. The proposed 100 percent tariffs would essentially kill the transatlantic wine trade as well as many small and medium-sized American businesses and jobs. We’re talking thousands of businesses, and tens of thousands of jobs.

Whether you’re a consumer or involved in any part of the wine business in the U.S., please speak up again to the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) and your members of Congress. It is important for them to hear directly how proposed tariffs will hurt a sector, and its jobs, already reeling from the worst global pandemic in a century.

The U.S. Wine Trade Alliance (USWTA) deserves our profound thanks and support for its leadership helping authorities understand that taxing the wine trade into oblivion is a huge net loser for America and just not an effective way for the U.S. to fight its trade battle over large civil aircraft.

USWTA has developed a site with background info and convenient links for contacting USTR and your members of Congress. With so much at stake, I urge every reader in the U.S. to visit the site and engage personally on this. Your voices matter vitally right now.


To peace, health, strength, and great wine.

James Suckling, CEO & editor


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