[Download]: Full list of Bordeaux 2019 En Primeur wines & scores

We have completed our tastings of more than 1,000 2019 Bordeaux barrel samples, sent specially to Hong Kong by air freight to ensure we could continue our extensive coverage of the most recent wines from the region.

We have now published nearly 20 reports, video interviews and analyses of the 2019 wines, and you can see the full collection of these at our dedicated Bordeaux 2019 En Primeur page: www.jamessuckling.com/bordeaux-2019-en-primeur/.

In addition, we have just created three PDFs of the full list of wines and their scores for you to download for free. These ratings sheets list all the wines in appellation, score and alphabetical order. Download the sheet of your choice by clicking the relevant image below.

Listed by appellation

Listed by score

Listed by alphabet


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